Sunday, February 14, 2016

Feb program of Green Economy

launching of the 'Green Economy' programme (i.e., basically reviving of Cow-based rural economy) being forwarded for your kind perusal.
12th Feb. (6 pm - 8 pm)
Core meeting of GOU-Federation to finalize Vidarbha-committee and discussions on 'Gougram Yatra' (scheduled for 11th Sept.2016 - 28th Dec.2016).
Dhantoli Gorakshan Sabha, Nagpur.
13th Feb. (3 pm - 6 pm)
Orientation Seminar on 'Green Economy'.
H.V.P.M. campus, Adj to Ambadevi Temple, Amravati.
14th Feb. (10 am - 2 pm)
Launching of 'Green Economy' program and Bhoomi-poojan for Goushala.
Muramba Village, Murtizapur Tahsil, Akola.
Looking forward to your kindly participation and a continued support in the service of mother Cow and our motherland.
Humble Pranams!
Srinivas Rao
(Org Secr, GOU-Federation)