Monday, February 20, 2017

How Cows Could Repair the World: Allan Savory at TED

For decades people have pointed to overgrazing by cattle as the main

cause of once-fertile grasslands turning to rapidly eroding, nearly lifeless

deserts. These desertified landscapes are then incapable of supporting the

livestock themselves, agriculture, or large wild animals who once lived in

great numbers on the same land. This is leads to famine and conflict in

different areas around the world.

Growing up in Kenya, Allan Savory was terribly moved by this. “I grew up

loving wildlife and hating livestock,” he said at the TED Conference in Long

Beach, California last week (watch his full TED talk in the video above).

Two-thirds of the ear

The Pachyderm Paradox

As a young man he thought the blame also lay with an overpopulation of

elephants, and so, despite a deep love for these animals, he recommended

and supported the culling of large herds. Over the years this practice has

resulted in the intentional killing of more than 40,000 elephants, but no real

improvement in the health of grasslands.

Realizing what an error he and others had made, Savory confessed, “this

was the saddest and gravest mistake of my life.”

“Clearly we have never understood desertification,” he added, “which now

threatens us globally.”

A New Vision

Speaking with Allan Savory after his presentation I got some insight into the

shift in thinking that occurred next. Our society in general has tended to try

to solve problems by breaking them into pieces, isolating elements, and

attempting to control complex situations through simple, forced measures.

This is all wrong, the way Savory sees it. True, sustainable solutions are

found by looking at whole systems, holistically, unconcerned with time, and

focused on the restoration of natural balances.

For example, when I asked him (in insistent, fast-paced reporter speech)

what I could do if I lived in the southern U.S. and had a field overtaken by

invasive kudzu, he said very slowly and calmly, “Well… first… I would say

‘Andrew, what do you want out of this land? For yourself… for your

children… for your children’s children…’ ” It was at this point I felt my own

high energy settle down, and I understood how much of a shift in attitude

Allan’s approach to problem solving in conservation really is.

People tell him he should put rhinos on the land he has restored. But with

poor quality land all around, and a lack of value on conservation, people

would just come and poach the rhinos for their horns, he said. When the

land is restored, and people’s basic needs are met, and an appreciation of

wildlife is the norm, then he’s willing to bring rhinos in. Not before. Allan

Savory may be in his seventies, but he’s in no rush to force changes.

A holistic view of the problem. A natural source for the solution. Patience.

These are the tools Allan Savory works with now.

Cows to the Rescue

So the failure of earlier attempts combined with his estimation that two-

thirds of Earth is now desertifying inspired Savory to search for a new

approach to protecting and restoring grasslands. And he found it by

thinking naturally and looking backward, not forward.

It makes no sense that land that once supported untold millions of grazing

animals on massive migrations should be destroyed by the overgrazing of

fewer or comparable numbers of livestock in more recent years. And there

were areas of the U.S. where cattle had been removed for decades, but the

grasslands were still desertifying.

“Clearly we have never understood desertification,” he said. “What we had

failed to understand was that these areas developed with huge numbers of

grazing animals [pursued by lots of huge carnivores]. Movement kept them

from overgrazing.” This way of the past could also hold the key to the


“The only option left,” according to Savory, is “to use livestock on the move

to mimic the ancient herds.” Keeping cattle more densely packed on

smaller plots of land and moving them frequently keeps them from

exhausting the supply of living plants, turns scattered droppings into a full

blanket of high-quality fertilizer, and keeps the repeated trod of untold tons

from packing down the dirt. He’s done it for decades, and the results (seen

in the video above) are impressive.

“Holistic grazing” keeps more plants alive, adds nutrients to the soil, and

creates soil conditions that hold and use water instead of letting it

evaporate or run off. It is now practiced by thousands on five continents,

and is the focus of the work of the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in

Zimbabwe, as well as the Savory Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

The Bigger Picture

In closing his TED talk, Allan Savory pointed out a critical part of this story

beyond preserving complex grassland ecosystems to sustain livestock,

agriculture, and wildlife. The amount of plant life lost through desertification

over decades has severely compromised Earth’s ability to take carbon

dioxide out of the air. Just as we have increased the amount we’re putting

into the atmosphere, we’re reducing the amount we take out.

There is a remarkable upside to this however. With all of the difficulties of

maintaining a productive economy while reducing our carbon output, and

mitigating the effects of a warming climate, if we can implement holistic

grazing on half of the Earth’s grasslands, according to Allan, “we can take

us back to pre-industrial [CO2] levels… and feed people.”

It would be wrong to think of changing the way we herd cattle as a silver

buller that will solve all of Earth and humanity’s challenges, but as a key

step in promoting the kind of long-term, holistic view that Allan Savory has

taken, it could go a long way towards repairing the land and our

relationship to it.

NEXT: Read More Nat Geo Posts From TED 2013