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Sri. Narendra Damodardas Modi Ji
The 15th and Current Honorable Prime Minster of India
New Delhi, India
Namaste All
As you are well aware, the governments across the country are "RACING to REPLACE" the "DSEI COW" even faster with “VIDESI COW’ (Holstein Friesian and Jersey) exotic crossbreeds which will not survive and perform well in hot and humid climate of India and continue to dump Holstein Friesian and Jersey onto our poor citizens and unsuspecting farmers, pushing them into further debt and disaster, While Indian cattle breeds are doing exceptionally fine abroad, the fascination of our own policy makers for exotic breeds seems to be never ending.
Approx. 2.64 million semen doses and 2200 bulls required/annum (40% AI, 60% NS) for population seven prominent milch indigenous cattle breeds of Gir, Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi, Hariana and Kankrej. To cover 40% population of 55.4 million breedable indigenous cows through AI: 36 million semen doses per annum are required; 3600 indigenous bulls would be required. To cover remaining 60% population by natural service about 30,000 superior bulls would be required. More than 99.15% of the cattle semen produced in the country are of exotic cattle breed (8,85,54,805 Semen doses of Holstein and Jersey) and their crosses and 0.85% (7,44,337 Semen Doses of DESI BREEDS) is of Indigenous cattle during the year 2013-14. (http://www.dairyknowledge.in/sites/default/files/semen_station_wise_semen_production_during_2013-14.pdf ). But your government is produced 7,44,337 Desi Cattle semen doses only and policy makers chanting "DESI GAI BACHAO" and "DESH KO BACHAO”.
The Brazilian cattle market is very large even with India and China presenting the biggest cattle herds in the world, Brazil has nearly 210 million cattle that consist of 80% Indian cow breeds or Indian cow breeds crossed cattle. Brazil's total cattle are 3x greater now than in 1965. (Growth: 56 million to 210 million today). Semen dosages are 6.5% of Brazil's cattle count (13 million semen doses annually). Brazil has increased cattle count by 154 million since 1965. The majority of Indian cow breeds in Brazil are of the Ongole, Gir, Kankrej and Red Sindhi breeds, which originated from India.
India's total cattle are 23% greater than in 1951. (Growth: 155.30 million to 190.90 million today). Semen dosages are 46% of India's cattle count (88 million semen doses today and projected to 140 million annually by 2022). India has increased cattle count by 35.6 million. An overall significant increase of 39.73 million observed in the “VIDESI COW’ (Holstein Friesian and Jersey) and crossbred population since 1951.
Get Ready, Get Set, Go! The Amazing Race to Replace DESI COW by Peoples Representatives of India
Farmers in the Gujarat State are aggressively buying “VIDESI COW’ (Holstein Friesian and Jersey) exotic crossbreeds. In 2015 alone, farmers have bought as many as 1.5 lakh “VIDESI COWS’ (Holstein Friesian and Jersey), from Punjab, Haryana and Maharashtra. Last year, around 1 lakh such “VIDESI COWS’ were bought by farmers associated with AMUL and this year the number is even higher (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/Bullish-State-farmers-bought-more-than-1-lakh-cows-in-2015/articleshow/49435440.cms )
The NDDB itself is planned to import 100 high-yield Holstein Friesian and 300 Jersey bulls and 2400 (2000 Jersey and 400 HF) embryos in the next five years under NDP Plan-1
OUR COWS NO LONGER DESI COWS - Punjab CM Shri.Parkash Singh Badal (http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/punjab-has-a-big-fat-problem-our-cows-no-longer-desi/ )
Punjab Chief Minister Sri.Parkash Singh Badal is planning an advanced institute of dairy farming in Mohali, in collaboration with an Israeli firm. Earlier, the state had roped in an American company to source high-quality semen. In Kerala the animal husbandry department wants to import improved cattle breeds from Denmark to crossbreed with local cows.
July 14, 2014 Sri. Pocharam Srinivas Reddy discussed the subject with a visiting Israeli delegation comprising of Mr.Yahel Vilan, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel and others. The main objective of Mr. Vilan and Mr. Avi Friedman, Consul-General for Trade and Economic Affairs visit to Hyderabad was to interact with officials and explore the possibilities of mutual cooperation between Telangana and Israel for Israeli HF dairy technology.
July 14, 2014 Sri.P Pulla Rao, Agriculture Minister for Andhra Pradesh discussed prospective import of HF technology and embryos for quality cow production as Israeli cows yield 11,000 liters of milk per annum.
September 23, 2014 Secured market access for Canadian bulls to India for breeding purposes, increasing the genetic quality of India’s herd with HF by Sri.Radhamohan Singh Ji.
January 16, 2015 Gujarat - A 25-member Australian dairy delegation, visited the Dudhsagar Dairy in Mehsana-NDDB, is looking for opportunities for tie-ups/collaboration with their counterparts in the Indian dairy sector, especially in areas of HF dairy breeds, genetics, increasing productivity of Indigenous cattle etc.
January 18 to 20, 2015 Gujarat- The German delegation comprising Otto Lattwesen, head of the supervisory board & head of the supervisory board Masterrind, Cooperative Dairy Farmer, Dagmar Bottenbruch, member of the Advisory Board, Consultant on the India Cooperation Project from DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH, Germany among others, met NDDB chairman Sri.T Nanda Kumar to discuss about possible avenues of Indo-German cooperation in the areas of training & development, cooperative governance, genomics, sex semen technology and product formulation. The team visited Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala, Bidaj and Banas Dairy, Palanpur. The German delegation was briefed about the projects on production of HF High Genetic Merit Bulls through Progeny Testing and Pedigree Selection programme being implemented by Karnataka Milk Federation, Karnataka and Milkfed, Punjab between January 21 - 23, 2015.
February 14, 2015 - On Valentine's Day, a Saudia Cargo chartered freighter landed at Kolkata and Chennai airports with a unique consignment. In its cavernous belly were 76 thoroughbred young German HF bulls, ready to inseminate cows that will then deliver high genetic merit HF bulls and cows with higher milk productivity. National Dairy Development Board imported the bulls for a national breeding programme to improve the genetic potential of Indian cows.
February 23, 2015 - Australia is keen to invest in HF dairy technology in Andhra Pradesh. Australia’s Consul General Sean Kelly conveyed this during a meeting with Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu.
April 15, 2015 Haryana State Government had signed MOU with Israel; First Indo-Israeli Centre of Excellence for Animal Husbandry & Dairying. Establishing Model Dairy Farm through introduction, demonstration and transfer of innovative dairy HF technologies. The center would import Best Holstein Friesian Germplasm in the form of Frozen Semen, directly from Israel
April 27- 30, 2015 - A high-level Telangana government delegation, led by Sri. Pocharam Srinivas Reddy, Agriculture Minister visited Israel to study HF dairy technology practices there and replicates them in the new State.
June 05, 2015 Maharashtra State Government had signed MOU with Dutch - Cattle breeding HF technology of Dutch to tackle the drought.
An Australian dairy consulting firm has recently completed a feasibility study for a 250 head pilot farm on a Greenfield site just south of New Delhi. The new dairy is expected to be a forerunner to multiple 2500 cow units built by a major processor keen to source high quality milk for middle and upper class Indian consumers.
September 14, 2015 Poland keen to strengthen Agri and Dairy-trade ties with India.
October 05, 2015 Germany and India signed a pact to set up a center of excellence in the field of agriculture for the purpose of developing skills of the people engaged in farming and dairy.
The milk production and reproduction records of imported and farm bred Australian Jersey cows were collected over a period of 32 years (1975 to 2007) from Jersey Cattle Breeding Farms Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh. The relationship between level of milk production and fertility was studied in purebred Jersey cows maintained at the Jersey Cattle Farm. About 33%, 39% and 28% of the LMY records were above 2,500 Kg, 2,000 to 2,500 KG and below 2,000 Kg respectively. The lifetime milk production of imported Jersey cattle estimated in the present study was much lower than the value of 13,026 ± 382 kg reported for imported Jersey cows maintained at Jersey Cattle Farm. (FAO/IAEA Vienna, Austria (June 08-11, 2009)
For a crime-free Bharat, it is necessary that our children drink only Indian cow's milk because it makes them saatvik. By drinking the milk of Holstein Friesian,Jersey cows and Buffaloes, their minds get harmful ideas, which make them criminals. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/11561612/Drinking-milk-from-non-Indian-cows-could-make-children-turn-to-crime.html )
Over the 69 years several Indigenous programmes with various agencies were initiated by the Indian Government the results were not significant. After all the efforts by GOI national average per day of the indigenous cattle is 2.37 Kgs and crossbred is 6.87 Kgs as per AHD-ICAR data. The native Indigenous milk is relatively same from past 69 years but the Brazilian counterpart milk yield grew up to 20 times over the same period. The Brazilian GIR produces 10 times, Kankrej 7.5 times, Red Sindhi 5.5 times and Ongole produces 3.5 times more milk than the exotic/cross breeds in India and created “White Revolution” in Brazil. Brazil is Global leader in international trade with exports more than US $403 million of Indian Indigenous cattle, semen and embryos per annum.
In India all organizations involved in improvement programme are biased towards crossbreeding and so is the “NATIONAL BREEDING POLICY”. All senior people talk about the importance of Indigenous cattle, but while implementing the programmes a total biased is for crossbreeding. The National average of crossbred comes to round 1,800 litres of milk per lactation and that is the state of affair after spending thousands of million. The production of Indigenous dairy breeds without any government programmes is better than this. (Doctor Anil E. Nivsarkar)
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development, ICAR (AS) and NDDB have been rapidly diluting the Indigenous cattle of India, and the majority of the Indigenous breeds are under the threat of extinction. The Indigenous Indian Cow — One of the country’s biggest assets — will soon cease to exist and we will be forced to import milk within a decade. This is going to have catastrophic and unimagined impact on lakhs of people. Predictably, an almost criminal lack of AHD-NDDB-ICAR (AS) planning and foresight is responsible for this and the current direction and exotic cattle breeding programs by AHD-NDDB-ICAR (AS)-BAIF will result in sudden and dramatic extinction of more India Indigenous cattle breeds. If the current trend is not changed shortly it is expected that of the current 39 types of India Indigenous cattle breeds, most of these India Indigenous cattle breeds will become extinct, already 25 of 64 indigenous cattle breeds are extinct according to UNCBD, Montreal, Canada.
Now, also would like to be advised as to why NDDB had projected 140 million semen doses by 2022 for the same population of cattle in India? We would like to know why NDDB is using 6.76x times the semen doses than Brazil?
It is well known that the distinct biodiversity of our Indian indigenous cattle breeds has been diluted due to changing breeding policies and indiscriminate use of exotic semen even in violation of state breeding policies had resulted significant increase of 39.73 million of exotic/crossbred population. As well 88 million semen doses had been used during 2013-14 as compared to 20.8 million during 2000-01.
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development -NDDB has been diluting DESI COWS rapidly by importing VIDESI -Holstein Friesian and Jersey Cattle, semen and embryos. India has recently (April, 2013 to March, 2015) imported 15, 87,651 Holstein Friesian and 33,580 Jersey frozen semen straws.13, 085 Holstein Friesian and Jersey embryos and 18,650 Holstein Friesian frozen sexed semen straws, 41 Holstein Friesian live bulls by Semex- Provet and 76 Holstein Friesian live bulls by NDDB with IDA credit Rs.2,242 Cr, BAIF Development Research Foundation, Assam Livestock Development Agency, Punjab Livestock Development Board, Progressive Dairy Farmers Association, B.G. Chitale (http://dgft.gov.in/exim/2000/committee/meet_rilc_0416.pdf )
Sacred Cow Worshipers, Protectors and Peoples Representatives of India completely failed to protect DESI COWS and chanting "DESI GAI BACHAO", "DESI GAI BACHAO,"DESI GAI BACHAO", "DESI GAI BACHAO and "DESI GAI BACHAO" …….
But now there is a very serious concern where your kind help is greatly and immediately needed. It would be an incredible opportunity Lord has given, if Scientific-Bureaucratic and Politico joined hands to protect Indigenous cattle. Your prompt attention to this important matter is highly valuable to society.
Lord Yama Dharma - The Justice
None Can Escape From It, So
None Can Escape From It, So
Be Aware of Yourself.
And Be Very Cautious
Lord Yama Dharma Is Watching Us.
Do Not Be Greedy, Do Not Be arrogant, Do Not Think You Are the Superior…
So Be Good, Do Good, Think Good.
Do Not Be Greedy, Do Not Be arrogant, Do Not Think You Are the Superior…
So Be Good, Do Good, Think Good.
DESI COWS AND BULLS: In service of God and Humanity
Yours Truly
In Service of Desi Cows and Bulls
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