RV10.146 Bounties of Forests
ऋषि: ऐरम्मदो देवमुनि:-गृहस्थ से वानप्रस्थ और मितभाषी जीवन में आनंद लेने वाला। Seer of this Vedic Hymn is a person seeking relaxation away from noise of city life and is attracted to living in quiet natural surroundings of forests. देवता:-अरण्यानी – जो अऋण रखता है देता है बिना लौटाने की इच्छा से. ।Sanskrit name of FOREST means one who does not give loan to be returned with or without interest but provides its bounties as GIFTS.
1.अरण्यान्यरण्यान्यसौ या प्रेव नश्यसि ।कथा ग्रामं न पृच्छसि न त्वा भीरिव विन्दती3ँ ।। 10.146.1
Forests as they are appear to be perishing/deserted but they do not deter your entry and do not ask any questions about your antecedents.
2. वृषारवाय वदते यदुपावति चिच्चिक: ।आघाटिभिरिव धावयन्नरण्यानिर्महीयते ।। 10.146.2
Ambient (fauna ) sounds in the forests such as singing crickets, birds are very soothing and convey a calming peaceful message.
3.उत गाव इवादन्त्युत वेश्मेव दृश्यते । उतो अरण्यानि: सायं शकटीरिव सर्जति ।। 10.146.3 Cow with other animals find sustenance in the wild like in their homes, and when in the evening carts laden with forest produce emerge they return to their home, as if the gods in forests are sending them back to their homes with carts laden with bounties of the forests.
4. गामङ्गैष आ ह्वयति दार्वङ्गैषो अपावधीत् ।वसन्नरण्यान्यां सायमक्रुक्षदिति मन्यते ।। 10.146.4
The gods of forest as if give directions to the cows from not going astray, and allow men to cut down on some trees. Those who chose to make their dwellings in forest become accustomed to hear fearful noises in the darkness of the nights.
(This has been a traditional Indian practice with our forests. It is now accepted that lower branches of trees should be regularly lopped off. This provides leaf fodder for cows, and fire wood for rural women. But there is a great advantage hidden in the practice of pruning forest trees. This allows sun light to reach the ground level to facilitate undergrowth in forests. This undergrowth not only stabilizes the forest soil. This prevents soil erosion that results in Landslides and Floods. Green Undergrowth ground cover also gives rise to Pseudomonas Syringe bacteria that ensure regular rains in forests.)
5. न वा अरण्यानिर्हन्त्यन्यश्चेन्नाभिगच्छति ।स्वादो: फलस्य जग्ध्वाय यथाकामं नि पद्यते ।। 10.146.5
Forests cause no harm to anyone who goes there to partake of the sweet fruits and bounties of nature, and not to exploit the forest wealth for his greed.
6.आञ्जनगन्धिं सुरभिं बहु अन्नामकृषीवलाम् । प्राहं मृगाणां मातरमरण्यानिमशंसिषम् ।। 10.146.6
Give recognition to role of Forests like a mother. Uncultivated without human efforts unselfishly they provide sweet smelling scents like those of musk deer and sustenance to nurture cows and humans to feed freely on excellent nutritive natural food.
With Apologies to Buffaloes
Today 60% of our entire dairy milk is buffalo milk. It is unfortunate that dairy people do not realize the superiority of Cow milk and do not supply cow milk separately, although I have made this suggestion many a time.
It is confirmed by the milk data available at US agriculture dept site that cow milk contains Vitamin D and buffalo milk does not contain any Vitamin D. It is also confirmed by internet that although buffalo milk contains Vitamin A, but unlike cow milk buffalo milk does not contain three very important Carotenoids - namely Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Beta carotene. These lat three are the most important carotenoids for maintaining healthy eyes. Perhaps buffalo milk is responsible for the wide spread eye problems of cataract and macular degenerations,
Kashyap Sanhita also elaborates that in pastures cows are very careful to eat only nutritive and medicinal herbs. But buffaloes eat up every thing even insects and small snakes.
Thus cow's milk will be a medicine and buffalo milk could be laced with harmful contents also.
Buffalo is a water animal and has no sweat glands over its body. Only Indian breeds of Cow has its sweat gland distributed all over the body. The sweat of cow firstly detoxifies cow milk, urine, cow dung, secondly it releases a skin oil on cow's body that protects cows from ticks. It is a common experience in our goshalas that unlike HF cows, Indian breeds of cows do not suffer from ticks.
Now coming to your thesis on buffalo milk reducing चैतन्यताand enhancing a sluggish mental attitude, I will seek your indulgence to share my personal inference from Indian History.
"Although western historians have made the world believe that Alexander was the great warrior and had conquered India, Russian historians have a very different view. General Zhukov has written that Alexander was seriously injured in his battles in India, could not win, and decided to return to Greece.
Lot of his soldiers were so tired that they decided to stay back in the north western part of India.
There they discovered buffaloes in swamps. They found that these buffaloes could be milked easily and their milk was nourishing. But when the buffaloes dried of milk, they could slaughter them and eat their meat, without annoying the Indians. Indians were very protective of the cows but did not mind buffalo being killed. This started the world domestication of water buffaloes
It may be now noted that buffaloes were maintained mainly in the north western parts of India. After living on buffalo milk Indians lost all vigour and chivalrous temperaments, became lazy. This is the main reason why Indian got defeated by all invaders that came to loot India, and finally established their rule here..
Atharv ved says that Indra gave cows to provide men with three things 1.To shut up the voices that harm the society, 2 to strike the thunder bolt on those who deprive you of your just possessions, and kill enmity among brothers.
" अघायतामपि नह्या मुखानि सपत्नेषु वज्रमर्पयतम् | इन्द्रेण दत्ता प्रथमा शतौदना भ्रातृव्यघ्नी यजमानस्य गातु: || अथर्व 10.9.1."
Rig ved further elaborates
"वचोविदं वाचमुदीरयन्ति विश्वाभिर्धीभिरूपतिष्ठमानाम् | देवीं देवेभ्य: पर्येयुषीं गामा मावृक्त मर्त्यो दभ्रचेता: || ऋग्वेद 8.101.16" Cow makes you articulate, endows your speech with sweetness and develops sense of beauty and aesthetics in your temperament . Cow develops the divine देवत्व गुण qualities in men and women. Cow is indeed mother and only imbeciles abandon the cows. Cow indeed makes men more civilized. The attacks on India by the invaders were only by uncivilized people who never kept cows. And cow loving Indians, civilized as they were, never attacked any country in the world, in spite of being all powerful.
वेदों में Foot Mouth Disease को विक्लिन्दु कहते है, इस का आदेश अथर्व वेद 12.4.5 में इस प्रकार से मिलता है.AV 12-4-5 Foot and mouth disease
मुंह खुरपका
पदोरस्या अधिष्ठानाद्विक्लिन्दुर्नाम विंदति|
अनामनात्सं शीर्यन्ते या मुखेनोपजिघ्रति ।। अथर्व 12-4-5
By sniffing her feet/ place where cow puts her feet, A
disease 'Wiklindu' is contracted that finally destroys
the cow. ( The obvious reference is to the contagious
Foot and mouth disease)
गौ अपने खुर सूंघने से मुंह खुर पका रोग से ग्रस्त हो कर नष्ट हो
जाती है।
इस का विकल्प गौ को घुटनों तक गहरे पानी से चल कर जाने का
विधान भी वेद में मिलता है. आधुनिक गोपालन में इस की व्यवस्था डेरी उद्योग में पद स्नान के प्रबंध से किया जाता है.
Foot Baths For cows (From Internet)
1. Locate the foot bath in an area regularly traveled by cattle. The exit lanes from
milking parlors work well.
2. Foot baths should be 8 to 10 feet long and approximately 3 feet wide with a depth
of 6 inches. Locate foot baths on a level surface.
3. If practical, locate a foot bath containing water (pre-bath) preceding the treatment
foot bath. This will help to clean cows feet prior to entering the treatment foot bath.
4. There should be a gap of 6 to 8 feet between the treatment and water (prebath)
foot baths. Cows tend to defecate when entering foot baths. The 6 to 8 foot gap between foot baths allows cows t complete defecation prior to entering the treatment foot bath.
5. Foot bath solutions should be 4 to 6 inches deep to ensure adequate coverage of the foot area.
6. Change foot bath solutions after every 150 to 200 cowsa. This will vary due to reasons such as cow cleanliness, use of a pre-bath, type and concentration of medication used, and weather conditions.
7. Thoroughly drain foot bath and rinse with water before mixing a new batch of solution.
8. Alternate times for replenishing foot baths with fresh solution so each group of cows has access to fresh solution.
9. Cows should enter a clean dry area after passing through the foot bath.
Foot baths are most effective for treating diseases of the interdigital skin such as interdigital dermatitis and foot rot.
10. It is recommended that foot baths be used at least 3 to 4 days per week.
Sweet Temperament AV1.34 Madhu Vidya
Whether it is in the immediate family circle or wider circles in society relacing of mutual animosity by friendly sweet temperaments विस्तार से is the best behavior. To succeed in worldly transactions one has to develop an atmosphere of mutual trust and love, adopt a friendly posture in all situations to be able to ‘sell’ his ideas. Dale Carnegie became the biggest influence in the last century in all marketing and salesmanship strategies.
Our Vedic tradition gives this a name of Madhu Vidya- the Honey Doctrine.
सुखी और सफल जीवन की भूमिका में मधुर आचरण का सदैव मुख्य स्थान रहा है. इन्द्र की सफलता के रहस्य में मधु विद्या का इतना बड़ा महत्व था कि वह ईर्ष्या वश यह कभी नहीं चाहता था कि साधारण जन को मधु विद्या का ज्ञान प्राप्त हो. यह कथा बृहदण्यकोपनिषद में दध्यङग ऋषि और अश्विनि कुमारों के आख्यान मे विस्तार से मिलती है.
1.इयं वीरुन्मधुजाता मधुना त्वा खनामसि ।
मधोरधि प्रजातासि सा नो मधुमतस्कृधि । ।AV1.34.1
ईख का पौधा मिठास लिए हुवे उत्पन्न होता है. मिठास के लिए ही ईख को लगाते और लेते हैं. (जीवन में इसी प्रकार ) सब जन भी मिठास से परिपूर्ण हों.
Sweetness derives from Sugar Cane. Sugar Cane crops are dug up for sweets. Sugar cane is born for providing sweetness. Likewise we may also be born with sweet temperament and be full of sweetness.
2.जिह्वाया अग्रे मधु मे जिह्वामूले मधूलकं ।
ममेदह क्रतावसो मम चित्तं उपायसि । । AV1.34.2
My tongue should be coated with honey, so that I never use harsh language and always speak sweetly. I pray that I develop a sweet temperament and all my transactions should be sweet.
मेरी जिह्वा के अग्रभाग पर मिठास हो,मेरी जिह्वा के मूल में भी मिठास हो.मैं मृदु भाषी बनूं ( मैं कटु शब्द न बोलूं ) मेरा चित्त और सब कर्म मधुरता पूर्ण हों .
3.मधुमन्मे निक्रमणं मधुमन्मे परायणं ।
वाचा वदामि मधुमद्भूयासं मधुसंदृशः । । AV1.34.3
My salutations on entry and exit should be sweet.My entire behaviour should be sweet.
सब से मिलने पर मधुरता पूर्ण अभिवादन हो, विदा लेते समय मधुरता पूर्ण विदाइ हो, समस्त व्यवहार मधुरता के शिष्ठाचार से पूरित हो.
4.मधोरस्मि मधुतरो मदुघान्मधुमत्तरः ।
मां इत्किल त्वं वनाः शाखां मधुमतीं इव । । AV1.34.4
My presence should be sweeter than even honey. I should be loved as company as honey is sought for its sweetness.
मेरा सानिद्य मधु के समान मीठा हो. मेरे मिठास से सब आकर्षित हों .
5.परि त्वा परितत्नुनेक्षुणागां अविद्विषे ।
यथा मां कमिन्यसो यथा मन्नापगा असः । । AV1.34.5
I should be able to remove the atmosphere of ill will, mutual hatred and negativity by my encompassing sweet behavior like a field of sugar cane, to bring people close together and not far away from each other.
चारों ओर फैले हुए वैर , ईर्ष्या को मैं अपने मिठास भरे आचरण से स्वयं फैलते हुए ईख के जंगल के समान घेर कर दूर कर दूं. जिस से सब जन एक दूसरे के समीप आंए दूर नहीं
भारत निर्माण
राजा के आचरण, गौ और शिक्षा इन तीन का राष्ट्र निर्माण मे महत्व
Nation Building
Rig Veda 5.27
6 त्रैवृष्ण्याष्ययरुण:,पौरुकुत्सस्त्रसदस्यु: , भारतोश्वमेधश्च राजान: ।
अग्नि:, 6 इन्द्राग्नी। त्रिष्टुप्, 4-6 अनुष्टुप्।
ऋषि: = 1. त्रैवृष्णा:= जिस के उपदेश तीनों मन शरीर व आत्मा के सुखों को शक्तिशाली बनाते हैं
2. त्र्यरुण:= वह तीन जो मन शरीर व आत्मा के सुखों को प्राप्त कराते हैं
3.पौरुकुत्स त्रसदस्य: = जो राजा सज्जनों का पालक व तीन (दुराचारी,भ्रष्ट ,समाज द्रोही)
दस्युओं को दूर करने वाला
4. राजान भारतो अश्वमेध: ;
भारतो राजान: - राजा जो स्वयं की यज्ञमय आदर्श जीवनशैलि से प्रजा को भी यज्ञीय
मनोवृत्ति वाला बना कर राष्ट्र का उत्तम भरण करता है .
अश्वमेध: - अश्व- ऊर्जा और मेधा- यथा योग्य मनन युक्त आत्म ज्ञान को धारण करने वाली
परम बुद्धि
इन्द्राग्नी = इन्द्राग्नि: = उत्साह और ऊर्जा से पूर्ण सदैव अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने मे विजयी व्यक्ति Have fire in their belly to be ultimate Doers
COWS’ role in Vision for Nation
1. अनस्वन्ता सत्पतिर्मामहे मे गावा चेतिष्ठो असुरो मघोन: ।
त्रैवृष्णो अग्ने दशभि: सहस्रैर्वैश्वानर ष्ययरुणश्चिकेत ।।RV5.27.1
त्रैवृष्णो अग्ने दशभि: सहस्रैर्वैश्वानर ष्ययरुणश्चिकेत ।।RV5.27.1
(सत्पति: ) सज्जनों के पालन के लिए भूत काल की उपलब्धियों के अनुभव के आधार पर वर्तमान और भविष्य के लिए (तीनों काल )(त्रैवृष्ण:)में शरीर, मन, बुद्धि तीनों को शक्तिशाली बनाने वाली (असुरो मघोन:) ऐश्वर्यशाली प्राण ( जीवन शैलि ) को (त्र्यरुण:) शरीर , मन और बुद्धि के लिए ज्ञान ,कर्म और उपासना द्वारा (दशभि: सहस्रैर्वैश्वानर) समस्त प्रजा की प्रवृत्तियों की धर्म अर्थ और काम की उन्नति के लिए (अनस्वन्ता) उत्तम वाहनों से युक्त , (गावा चेतिष्ठ:) गौओं द्वारा प्राप्त उत्तम चेतना द्वारा (मामहे) उपलब्ध कराओ.
Current and Future planning should be based on experience of past working results, to obtain excellent Health, Mentality and Intellect in the nation to provide for a prosperous life style. Such a nation is self motivated in following the path of righteous behavior, charitable disposition and God loving conduct in their daily life.
Among other things excellent infrastructure of communication, transport should be provided.
Excellent cows should be ensured to build physically healthy, peaceful and high intellectual society.
Hundreds of well fed cows
2. 2.यो मे शता च विंशतिं च गोनां हरी च युक्ता सुधुरा ददाति ।
वैश्वानर सुष्टुतो वावृधानोऽग्ने यच्छ त्र्युरुणाय शर्म ।। RV5.27.2
वैश्वानर सुष्टुतो वावृधानोऽग्ने यच्छ त्र्युरुणाय शर्म ।। RV5.27.2
3. (वैश्वानर) धर्म अर्थ और काम को प्राप्त कराने वाली ऊर्जा और (वावृधान: अग्नि:) निरन्तर प्रगति देने वाले यज्ञ(त्र्यरुणाय) शरीर, मन और बुद्धि के लिए सेंकड़ों गौओं और बीसियों उत्तम शकटों से (हरी:) जितेंद्रिय पुरुषों से –भौतिक साधनों और श्रेष्ठ समाज से युक्त हो कर (शर्म यच्छ) विश्व का कल्याण प्राप्त करो
4. Urge for continuous strong positive motivation based activities in individuals creates a prosperous, peace loving, healthy, self disciplined sustainable society with hundreds of cows and dozens of carts loaded with green fodder for cows for organic food, and good infrastructure base. Nation provided with such infrastructure has a society that is rich in physical resources, and has well behaved people for welfare of the world.
Planning in Nation
3. एवा ते अग्ने सुमतिं चकानो नविष्ठाय नवमं त्रसदस्यु: ।
यो मे गिरस्तुविजातस्य पूर्वीर्युक्तेनाभि ष्ययरुणो गृणाति ।।RV5.27.3
यो मे गिरस्तुविजातस्य पूर्वीर्युक्तेनाभि ष्ययरुणो गृणाति ।।RV5.27.3
तेजस्वी विद्वान प्रकृति के विधान और अनुभव से प्राप्त ज्ञान के उपदेशों की कामना करता हुआ सब वासनाओं से मुक्त समाज के निर्माण द्वारा भविष्य के लिए उत्तम नवीन समाज की आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ती और तीनो प्रकार तम , मन और आत्मा से सुखी समाज का निर्माण करता है और सब से ऐसी विचार धारा का सम्मान करने को कहता है.
Bright enlightened intellectual leadership seeks guidance from Nature the environment friendly and traditional empirical wisdom to build a hedonism free culture for the growing needs and aspirations of future generations. By honoring and propagating such wisdom only an ideal and happy society is evolved.
Education in Nation
4. यो म इति प्रवोचत्यश्वमेधाय सूरये ।
दददृचा सनिं यते ददन्मेधामृतायते ।।RV 5.27.4
दददृचा सनिं यते ददन्मेधामृतायते ।।RV 5.27.4
(राजा का दायित्व है कि ) जो विद्वद्जन (राष्ट्र की उन्नति के लिए) समाज में ऊर्जा (भौतिक और आत्मबल ) के विस्तार और सत्य असत्य के निर्णय करने मे समाज को सक्षम करने के वेद विद्यानुसार उपदेश करते हैं,उन को सम्माननीय पद दे और उन का सत्कार करे.
For growth of the nation it is responsibility of King recognize, honor and promote intelligent teachers that develop the society by educating it in growth conservation of physical energies and their mental energies, with ability to discern truth from untruth.
Bulls make excellent Nation
4. 5. यस्य मा परुषा: शतमुध्दर्षयन्त्युक्षण: ।
अश्वमेधस्य दाना: सोमा इव त्र्याशिर: ।। RV5.27.5
अश्वमेधस्य दाना: सोमा इव त्र्याशिर: ।। RV5.27.5
5. (यस्य मा शतम् उक्षण: परुषा:) जो मेरे लिए , सेंकड़ो क्रोध से रहित सधे हुए वीर्य सेचन में समर्थ उत्तम वृषभ और कठिन परिश्रम साध्य बैल, (त्रयाशिर:) तीनों - बालक, युवा, वृद्ध तीनों प्रजाजनों के लिए - राष्ट्र में (अश्वमेध-ऊर्जा और मेधा) - तीनों वसु (भौतिक सुख के साधन) रुद्र रोगादि से मुक्त,आदित्य सौर ऊर्जा के द्वारा,तीनों दूध,दही और अन्न (सोमा: इव) श्रेष्ठ मानसिकता तीन प्रकार से शरीर को नीरोग,मन को निर्मल बुद्धि को तीव्र बनाते और (दाना:)इन दानों से (उद्धर्ष्यन्ति ) उत्कृष्ट उल्लास का कारण बनते हैं .
Bulls that have excellent breeding soundness for providing excellent cows and oxen that are strong and mild mannered to provide power to the nation
Provide excellent health nutrition and intellect to all the three ie. infants youth and old persons with three bounties of happiness ie. Healthy environments, cheerfulness and solar energy by the three items of cows milk, curds and organic food to provide the three bounties of healthy disease free life, positive attitudes in life and sharp intellect to spread happiness all round.
6. इन्द्राग्नी शतदाव्न्यश्वमेधे सुवीर्यम् । क्षत्रं धारयतं बृहद् दिवि सूर्यमिवाजरम् ।।RV 5.27.6
उत्साह और ऊर्जा से पूर्ण सदैव अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने मे विजयी, योग्य मनन युक्त आत्मज्ञान को धारण करने वाली परम बुद्धि से युक्त समाज, असङ्ख्य पदार्थों से सूर्य के सदृश उत्तम पराक्रम तथा बलयुक्त नाश से रहित महान राष्ट्र का निर्माण होता है.
Thus is created a Nation that is strong to protect itself from all destructive internal and external enemies, where the society consists of a prosperous , self motivated well behaved intelligent people.

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भारत निर्माण
राजा के आचरण, गौ और शिक्षा इन तीन का राष्ट्र निर्माण मे महत्व
Nation Building
Rig Veda 5.27
6 त्रैवृष्ण्याष्ययरुण:,पौरुकुत्सस्त्रसदस्यु: , भारतोश्वमेधश्च राजान: ।
अग्नि:, 6 इन्द्राग्नी। त्रिष्टुप्, 4-6 अनुष्टुप्।
ऋषि: = 1. त्रैवृष्णा:= जिस के उपदेश तीनों मन शरीर व आत्मा के सुखों को शक्तिशाली बनाते हैं
2. त्र्यरुण:= वह तीन जो मन शरीर व आत्मा के सुखों को प्राप्त कराते हैं
3.पौरुकुत्स त्रसदस्य: = जो राजा सज्जनों का पालक व तीन (दुराचारी,भ्रष्ट ,समाज देशद्रोही
AV10.9 ऋषि: - अथर्वा: , देवता: - शतौदना:
1.अघायतां अपि नह्या मुखानि सपत्नेषु वज्रं अर्पयैतं । इन्द्रेण दत्ता प्रथमा शतौदना भ्रातृव्यघ्नी यजमानस्य गातुः । । AV10.9.1
प्रेम, सद्भावना, सहयोग के द्वारा समाज द्रोही शत्रुओं पर (असमाजिक तत्वों और रोगादि ) दृढ़ता पूर्वक नियन्त्रण के लिए अच्छी दुधारु-शतौदना - गौओं का विकास करो |
(गोपालन से मानसिकता में सौम्यता, सद्भावना और मन्यु का विकास माना जाता है –जो भारतीय समाज की विश्व में एक अनूठी पहचान रही है )
Well developed high milk yielding domesticated cows develop friendly amiable cooperative temperaments & destroy disease and discontent in society.
2. वेदिष्टे चर्म भवतु बर्हिर्लोमानि यानि ते । एषा त्वा रशनाग्रभीद्ग्रावा त्वैषोऽधि नृत्यतु । । AV10.9.2
गौ की त्वचा और शरीर ( मृत्यु के बाद) चर्म और उत्तम खाद के काम आए|
प्रयत्न द्वारा पञ्चगव्य से अनेक ओषधिया निर्मित करें |
Your skin provides us with leather for our use. Your body (after death) provides us with rich soil. Make efforts to develop all the medicines from your bounties.
3. बालास्ते प्रोक्षणीः सन्तु जीह्वा सं मार्ष्टु अघ्न्ये । शुद्धा त्वं यज्ञिया भूत्वा दिवं प्रेहि शतौदने । । AV10.9.3
गौ अपनी पूंछ को अपने शरीर को स्वच्छ रखने के लिए प्रयोग करती है | गौ की जिह्वा आहार को खूब चबा कर हज़म करने के काम आती है (इस लिए गौ की जीभ बड़ी खुरदरी होती है) | गौ अपनी उपस्थिती से और यज्ञों द्वारा शुद्ध वतावरण प्रदान करती है |
Cow’s tail serves as cleaning broom. Cow’s tongue masticates cow feed. Through her very presence and Yajnas Cow purifies the entire environment.
4 . यः शतौदनां पचति कामप्रेण स कल्पते । प्रीता ह्यस्य ऋत्विजः सर्वे यन्ति यथायथं । । AV10.9.4
जो शतौदना गौओं का पालन करते हैं वे अपने जीवनमें सब संकल्प और लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने में सफल होते हैं | प्रेम और सौहाद्र से वे अनेक सुदूर देशों की यात्राएं करते हैं |
Those who maintain good cows are able to fulfil all their ambitions. With love and affection they travel to far off places as they wish.
5. स स्वर्गं आ रोहति यत्रादस्त्रिदिवं दिवः । अपूपनाभिं कृत्वा यो ददाति शतौदनां। । AV10.9.5
जो अपनी शतौदना गौओं की स्वादिष्ट आहार से सेवा करते हैं, उन का जीवन दिन प्रति दिन स्वर्गमय हो चलता है | (मीठे गुड- इत्यादि के पकाए गए दलिए से गौएं बहुत प्रसन्न होती हैं )
Those who keep their cows well fed with different preparations,
Day by day they make progress to a prosperous society.
6.स तांल्लोकान्त्सं आप्नोति ये दिव्या ये च पार्थिवाः । हिरण्यज्योतिषं कृत्वा यो ददाति शतौदनां । । AV10.9.6
वह समाज जो शतौदना गौओं का पालन करता है ,उस की भौतिक उन्नति , स्वर्ण इत्यादि से सम्पन्नता और समृद्धि की ख्याति दूर दूर तक उसे प्रसिद्ध करती है | ( भारत वर्ष का धन सोना और समृद्धि ही तो यवनों को भारतवर्ष पर लूट मार करने के लिए आकर्षित करते थे )
The society that maintains excellent cows, earns the distinction of great worldly riches and prosperity.
7. ये ते देवि शमितारः पक्तारो ये च ते जनाः । ते त्वा सर्वे गोप्स्यन्ति मैभ्यो भैषीः शतौदने । । AV10.9.7
जो गोपालक दिन प्रतिदिन व्यवस्था के अनुसार गौओं की सेवा करते हैं, और पका कर मीठा दलिया इत्यादि देते हैं, गौएं उन से भयभीत नहीं होतीं |
O Cow! Attendants who serve to meet your timely needs in regular manner, prepare by cooking your feed are devoted to you, do not get scared of them.
8. वसवस्त्वा दक्षिणत उत्तरान्मरुतस्त्वा ।आदित्याः पश्चाद्गोप्स्यन्ति साग्निष्टोमं अति द्रव । । AV10.9.8
( यही विषय ऋग्वेद में इस प्रकार से मिलता है
माता रुद्राणां दुहिता वसूनां स्वसादित्यानाममृतस्य नाभि: -ऋग्वेद 8.101.15अ )
Material comforts - the Vasus, are provided by the hard work & good care of cows , good maruts in breathing air from above, and Solar radiations from behind sanitize cow’s back side shall keep you fit and able to endow every one with prestige. (प्रतिष्ठा वा अग्निष्टोम: Agnishtom bestows prestige on every one according to Shatpath
9. देवाः पितरो मनुष्या गन्धर्वाप्सरसश्च ये । ते त्वा सर्वे गोप्स्यन्ति सातिरात्रं अति द्रव । । AV10.9.9
जब मनुष्यमात्र- देवता स्वरूप जन,पितर- पूर्व जन, गंधर्व और अप्सराएं गो सेवा मे जुड़ती हैं ,तब अतिरात्र यज्ञ फलित होता है | (तां. ब्रा.10.4.1 के अनुसार , अतिरात्र: -भूत और भविष्यत् , पृथिवी और द्यौ ,अग्नि और सूर्य,प्राण और उदान ये दो दो जोड़े अतिरात्र हैं)
When Cows are well taken care of by every one in every possible manner, all the possible bounties flow on life in the universe.
Pasture fed Cows provide milk of high quality.
10. अन्तरिक्षं दिवं भूमिं आदित्यान्मरुतो दिशः ।
लोकान्त्स सर्वानाप्नोति यो ददाति शतौदनां । । AV10.9.10
गौओं को दिन के समय सब दिशाओं में खुले घूमने की स्वतंत्रता से गौ सब जैविक सूक्ष्माणुओं से सम्पन्न शतौदना होकर मानव मात्र का कल्याण करती है | गौओं को Those who provide their cows with wide open day light (in pastures) space to move in all directions and get all micro-organisms , minerals and vitamins to provide through the cows all the bounties for humanity.
Those who provide their cows with wide open day light (in pastures) space to move in all directions for the cows to collect all the minerals, medicinal elements and vitamins all micro-organism – Carotenoids, through their bounties to the humanity. In addition the Milk of the cows that get plenty of physical exercise is also low in saturated fats and rich in HDL _High density lipids.
Pastures fed cows do not require artificial mineral mixture feeds.
Prof. William A. Albrecht in his famous work “Soil Fertility & Animal Health”, has shows the significance of cows recycling through their dung an urine back in to the soil the minerals that are depleted in the oil by taking agriculture and fodder crops. Thus cows fed in Pastures do not require any addition ‘local area specific mineral mixture supplements’ in their feed. These additional mineral supplements not only add to the co feed costs and make milk more expensive to produce, but also can never adequately meet all the body mineral needs of cows.
Cows Could Repair the World to reclaim wasteland: Allan Savory at TED
Posted by Andrew Howley of National Geographic Society on March 6, 2013
For decades people have pointed to overgrazing by cattle as the main cause of once-fertile grasslands turning to rapidly eroding, nearly lifeless deserts. These desertified landscapes are then incapable of supporting the livestock themselves, agriculture, or large wild animals who once lived in great numbers on the same land. This is leads to famine and conflict in different areas around the world.
Growing up in Kenya, Allan Savory was terribly moved by this. “I grew up loving wildlife and hating livestock,” he said at the TED Conference in Long Beach, California last week (watch his full TED talk in the video above). Two-thirds of the ear
The Pachyderm Paradox
As a young man he thought the blame also lay with an overpopulation of elephants, and so, despite a deep love for these animals, he recommended and supported the culling of large herds. Over the years this practice has resulted in the intentional killing of more than 40,000 elephants, but no real improvement in the health of grasslands.
Realizing what an error he and others had made, Savory confessed, “this was the saddest and gravest mistake of my life.”
“Clearly we have never understood desertification,” he added, “which now threatens us globally.”
A New Vision
Speaking with Allan Savory after his presentation I got some insight into the shift in thinking that occurred next. Our society in general has tended to try to solve problems by breaking them into pieces, isolating elements, and attempting to control complex situations through simple, forced measures. This is all wrong, the way Savory sees it. True, sustainable solutions are found by looking at whole systems, holistically, unconcerned with time, and focused on the restoration of natural balances.
For example, when I asked him (in insistent, fast-paced reporter speech) what I could do if I lived in the southern U.S. and had a field overtaken by invasive kudzu, he said very slowly and calmly, “Well… first… I would say ‘Andrew, what do you want out of this land? For yourself… for your children… for your children’s children…’ ” It was at this point I felt my own high energy settle down, and I understood how much of a shift in attitude Allan’s approach to problem solving in conservation really is.
People tell him he should put rhinos on the land he has restored. But with poor quality land all around, and a lack of value on conservation, people would just come and poach the rhinos for their horns, he said. When the land is restored, and people’s basic needs are met, and an appreciation of wildlife is the norm, then he’s willing to bring rhinos in. Not before. Allan Savory may be in his seventies, but he’s in no rush to force changes.
A holistic view of the problem;
A natural source for the solution;
These are the tools Allan Savory works with now.
Cows to the Rescue
So the failure of earlier attempts combined with his estimation that two-thirds of Earth is now desertifying inspired Savory to search for a new approach to protecting and restoring grasslands. And he found it by thinking naturally and looking backward, not forward.
It makes no sense that land that once supported untold millions of grazing animals on massive migrations should be destroyed by the overgrazing of fewer or comparable numbers of livestock in more recent years. And there were areas of the U.S. where cattle had been removed for decades, but the grasslands were still desertifying.
Allan Savory says the key to restoring grasslands is to manage livestock to mimic the role once played by vast migrating herds. (Photo by James Duncan Davidson)
“Clearly we have never understood desertification,” he said. “What we had failed to understand was that these areas developed with huge numbers of grazing animals [pursued by lots of huge carnivores]. Movement kept them from overgrazing.” This way of the past could also hold the key to the future.
“The only option left,” according to Savory, is “to use livestock on the move to mimic the ancient herds.” Keeping cattle more densely packed on smaller plots of land and moving them frequently keeps them from exhausting the supply of living plants, turns scattered droppings into a full blanket of high-quality fertilizer, and keeps the repeated trod of untold tons from packing down the dirt. He’s done it for decades, and the results (seen in the video above) are impressive.
“Holistic grazing” keeps more plants alive, adds nutrients to the soil, and creates soil conditions that hold and use water instead of letting it evaporate or run off. It is now practiced by thousands on five continents, and is the focus of the work of the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe, as well as the Savory Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
The Bigger Picture
In closing his TED talk, Allan Savory pointed out a critical part of this story beyond preserving complex grassland ecosystems to sustain livestock, agriculture, and wildlife. The amount of plant life lost through desertification over decades has severely compromised Earth’s ability to take carbon dioxide out of the air. Just as we have increased the amount we’re putting into the atmosphere, we’re reducing the amount we take out.
There is a remarkable upside to this however. With all of the difficulties of maintaining a productive economy while reducing our carbon output, and mitigating the effects of a warming climate, if we can implement holistic grazing on half of the Earth’s grasslands, according to Allan, “we can take us back to pre-industrial [CO2] levels… and feed people.”
It would be wrong to think of changing the way we herd cattle as a silver buller that will solve all of Earth and humanity’s challenges, but as a key step in promoting the kind of long-term, holistic view that Allan Savory has taken, it could go a long way towards repairing the land and our relationship to it.
NEXT: Read More Nat Geo Posts From TED 2013
11. घृतं प्रोक्षन्ती सुभगा देवी देवान्गमिष्यति । पक्तारं अघ्न्ये मा हिंसीर्दिवं प्रेहि शतौदने । । AV10.9.11
दृढ़ता से गो रक्षा और गो सेवा करने वाले विद्वान भाग्यशाली जनों के पास शतौदना गौ, घृतम् (घृत,अन्न का रस, रेतस , ओज उत्पन्न करने वाला, उल्व Placenta गर्भ में पल रहे शिषु के पालन पोषण की व्यवस्था प्रदान करने वाले तत्व ) द्वारा सौभाग्य के लिए (देवान् गमिष्यति ) बुद्धिमान गोसेवा करने वाले जनों को पहुंचती है |
12. ये देवा दिविषदो अन्तरिक्षसदश्च ये ये चेमे भूम्यां अधि । तेभ्यस्त्वं धुक्ष्व सर्वदा क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.12 अंतरिक्ष के देवता सूर्य,और वातावरण तथा भूमि में स्थित देवता (शुद्ध पर्यावरण) सदैव उत्तम मधु समान गोदुग्ध हमें प्रदान करें |
Nature’s elements the sun atmospheric airs and clouds along with soil are responsible for the excellent desirable qualities of Milk. (For example milks of animals such as Yaks, Reindeers, Camels found in very harsh climates have very different compositions to suit the needs of those climates)
A1A2 Science in Veda
गौ आधारित जीवन शैलि पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा से, सूर्य, अंतरिक्ष और भूमि की कृपा वारा उत्तम गोदुग्ध,घृत प्रदान कर के समाज में मधु विद्या ( सब से प्रीति पूर्वक व्यवहार करने का समाज ) निर्माण करते है |
Next 12 mantras with refrain line - आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु
explain how the entire anatomy –DNA of the cow is important for producing benign and health providing milk Always provide us with milk that has (आमिक्षा – पनीर) good Proteins – i.e. without BCM7- modern science calls it A2 type milk and the milk is not viscous but सर्पिरथो free flowing i.e. not rich with saturated fats, but free flowing i.e. rich in un saturated fats that makes our body agile like a fast moving vehicle.
13. यत्ते शिरो यत्ते मुखं यौ कर्णौ ये च ते हनू ।
आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.12
14.यौ त ओष्ठौ ये नासिके ये शृङ्गे ये च तेऽक्षिणी । आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.14
15. यत्ते क्लोमा यद्धृदयं पुरीतत्सहकण्ठिका ।
आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.15
16. यत्ते यकृद्ये मतस्ने यदान्त्रं याश्च ते गुदाः ।आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.16
17. यस्ते प्लाशिर्यो वनिष्ठुर्यौ कुक्षी यच्च चर्म ते । आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.17
18.यत्ते मज्जा यदस्थि यन्मंसं यच्च लोहितं ।आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.18
19.यौ ते बाहू ये दोषणी यावंसौ या च ते ककुत् । आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.19
20.यास्ते ग्रीवा ये स्कन्धा याः पृष्टीर्याश्च पर्शवः ।आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.20
21.यौ त उरू अष्ठीवन्तौ ये श्रोणी या च ते भसत् ।आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.21
22.यत्ते पुछं ये ते बाला यदूधो ये च ते स्तनाः । आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.22
23.यास्ते जङ्घाः याः कुष्ठिका ऋछरा ये च ते शफाः । आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.23
24. यत्ते चर्म शतौदने यानि लोमान्यघ्न्ये । आमिक्षां दुह्रतां दात्रे क्षीरं सर्पिरथो मधु । । AV10.9.24
अंतरिक्ष के देवता सूर्य,और वातावरण तथा भूमि में स्थित देवता (शुद्ध पर्यावरण) सदैव उत्तम मधु समान गोदुग्ध हमें प्रदान करें |
Nature’s elements the sun atmospheric airs and clouds along with soil are responsible for the excellent desirable qualities of Milk. (For example milks of animals such as Yaks, Reindeers, Camels found in very harsh climates have very different compositions to suit the needs of those climates)
A1A2 Science in Veda
गौ आधारित जीवन शैलि पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा से, सूर्य, अंतरिक्ष और भूमि की कृपा वारा उत्तम गोदुग्ध,घृत प्रदान कर के समाज में मधु विद्या ( सब से प्रीति पूर्वक व्यवहार करने का समाज ) निर्माण करते है | अंतरिक्ष के देवता सूर्य,और वातावरण तथा भूमि में स्थित देवता (शुद्ध पर्यावरण) सदैव उत्तम मधु समान गोदुग्ध हमें प्रदान करें |
Nature’s elements the sun atmospheric airs and clouds along with soil are responsible for the excellent desirable qualities of Milk. (For example milks of animals such as Yaks, Reindeers, Camels found in very harsh climates have very different compositions to suit the needs of those climates)
A1A2 Science in Veda
गौ आधारित जीवन शैलि पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा से, सूर्य, अंतरिक्ष और भूमि की कृपा वारा उत्तम गोदुग्ध,घृत प्रदान कर के समाज में मधु विद्या ( सब से प्रीति पूर्वक व्यवहार करने का समाज ) निर्माण करते है |
25.क्रोडौ ते स्तां पुरोदाशावाज्येनाभिघारितौ । तौ पक्षौ देवि कृत्वा सा पक्तारं दिवं वह । । AV10.9.25
तुम्हारे वक्ष स्थल से पुरोडाश बनाने तथा यज्ञ में आहुति देने के लिए पिघला हुवा घी प्राप्त हो | तुम्हारे घूमने फिरने से उस हवि में यज्ञ करने वालों का संसार प्रकाशमय हो |
From your bosom may we be provided the constituent for making sweet offerings for performing Agnihotra. Your ‘pinions- gears’ -mobility may bring day light to our wisdom.
Different Milk preparations
26. उलूखले मुसले यश्च चर्मणि यो वा शूर्पे तण्डुलः कणः । यं वा वातो मातरिश्वा पवमानो ममाथाग्निष्टद्धोता सुहुतं कृणोतु । । AV10.9.26
धान को ओखली में कूट कर हवा में तिनके छिलके उड़ा कर जो चावल प्राप्त किया गया है, उस को गोदुग्ध में अग्नि पर पका कर आहुति के लिए उत्तम हवि बनाओ |
Beverages made from milk for commercial & medicinal use
27. अपो देवीर्मधुमतीर्घृतश्चुतो ब्रह्मणां हस्तेषु प्रपृथक्सादयामि । यत्काम इदं अभिषिञ्चामि वोऽहं तन्मे सर्वं सं पद्यतां वयं स्याम पतयो रयीणां । । AV10.9.27 हाथ से दूध में से घृत इत्यादि पदार्थ अलग कर के अनेक प्रकार के भिन्न भिन्न स्वादिष्ट और उपयोगी पेय समृद्धि देते हैं |
Cow Dung Itself Breeds Antibiotic Resistance
Even manure from drug-free cows encourages antibiotic resistant bacteria
Dec 16, 2014 |By Peter Andrey Smith
Thomas Fuchs
When antibiotics first became available, farmers used them indiscriminately—dribbling streptomycin into chicken feed to boost growth and doling out low doses to fatten pigs. Now scientists know that the overuse of antibiotics in livestock can foster drug-resistant bacteria that are dangerous to human health. Amid debates over what kinds of restrictions should be put in place, figuring out how antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve and make their way to humans remains an area of intense interest.
Jo Handelsman is tracing one such pathway that, as she puts it, travels from “barn to table.” Handelsman, a microbiologist who is now associate director for science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, looked into dairy cows, which are often treated with antibiotics and produce manure that farmers use on their crops. In addition to nutrients, that fragrant fertilizer may harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria—a problem because the microbes can come into contact with plants that are subsequently shipped to supermarkets and sometimes eaten raw.
To tease out how those antibiotic-resistant bacteria come to exist, Handelsman and her colleagues at Yale University added manure from a nearby Connecticut farm to raised beds of soil in 2013. In this case, the manure specifically came from cows that were not treated with antibiotics. The researchers unexpectedly found that soil bacteria carrying antibiotic-resistant genes became more abundant when they were grown with the manure than when they were grown with synthetic nitrogen-based fertilizer—even though the cows were drug-free. The team published its work in October in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Previous research has found that manure from pigs treated with antibiotics contains resistant bacteria, including Escherichia coli, but the cow-pie results suggest there are more factors promoting resistance besides antibiotic use. Something about manure itself may encourage naturally resistant bacteria to proliferate.
The findings should not, however, give the perception that resistance is everywhere, notes Lance Price, a microbiologist at George Washington University (who was not involved in the study). Widespread resistance is not inevitable, he says. “We can control this. There's very clear evidence that when we turn off the antibiotic spigot, we bring down drug-resistant bacteria.”
Next on the farm-to-table agenda, Handelsman will test whether radishes grown in soil treated with cow manure are capable of taking up resistant genes from bacteria via their vascular system. “They have veins just like us,” she says. “We don't have any evidence yet that they're taking up the bacteria, but it's a really interesting possibility.
Turn Deserts into Forest with Cows.
Recently i attended a 24 hour seminar on Cow care management , Given by His Grace Dr . Shree Kumar ji and His Wife Her Grace Shree Kalaji,
They are veteran doctors and have been successful in making a Zero budget Gaushala at Belgaun for ISKCON ,
as per the course and their experience , they made a claim and also proved it
"we can convert a barren lands into lush green grazing lands without any farmers"
They have assisted converting a stone plateau lands of Belgaun into a mini forest with their techniques.
They Just said let the cow graze even on barren lands and let those cow sleep at night on those lands which you want to make into farm for your self cultivation .This method is also called
in many many african countries they have tested and tried this method and it is making miracles.
They proved that even rainfall in your area will increase and groundwater level will increase .
So the funda is simple ,
let your Cattle Kraal or graze 24 hours in your barren lands thats it and also just provide them water , this is enough.
Your cattle should sleep in your barren lands,
if they need shade they will come to the shed.
They said No Castration of Bulls and No tieing up of cows and bulls ,once you do that
they will graze when they want to graze and they will come to shed when they want to come to shed but technically they should not be encouraged to come in sheds as wherever they graze or sleep that area will become fertile without need of farmers
Provide 1 acre per cow for grazing or 300 acres for 300 cows minimum
They are veteran doctors and have been successful in making a Zero budget Gaushala at Belgaun for ISKCON ,
as per the course and their experience , they made a claim and also proved it
"we can convert a barren lands into lush green grazing lands without any farmers"
They have assisted converting a stone plateau lands of Belgaun into a mini forest with their techniques.
They Just said let the cow graze even on barren lands and let those cow sleep at night on those lands which you want to make into farm for your self cultivation .This method is also called
in many many african countries they have tested and tried this method and it is making miracles.
They proved that even rainfall in your area will increase and groundwater level will increase .
So the funda is simple ,
let your Cattle Kraal or graze 24 hours in your barren lands thats it and also just provide them water , this is enough.
Your cattle should sleep in your barren lands,
if they need shade they will come to the shed.
They said No Castration of Bulls and No tieing up of cows and bulls ,once you do that
they will graze when they want to graze and they will come to shed when they want to come to shed but technically they should not be encouraged to come in sheds as wherever they graze or sleep that area will become fertile without need of farmers
Provide 1 acre per cow for grazing or 300 acres for 300 cows minimum
1 acre per cow of weight of 200 kgs only while if cow is 400 kgs then it will need 2 acres.
if you like to know the whole method you could attend the whole course or visit their Gaushala in belgaun which is considered as a Zero maintenance gaushala.
They also mentioned a cow should get fooder around 3% of their weight so for a 100 kg cattle , 3 kgs of dried fodder or 15kgs of green grass through grazing ( green grass has 80% water )
They mentioned dont give Grains to cows , it is only increasing the dung
They Clarified Just Green Grass is enough , nothing else is needed , nothing else.
if your cows are grazing and grazing and sleeping on the lands then 90% of your labours will not be required at all.
They mentioned if you do that then cows will produce more milk and even if calfs are allowed to be with their mother 16 hours a day still in remaining 8 hours a day , you will get enough milk for sales and they said over the period you could receive upto 15 litres per cow in just 8 hours of grazing , even with kankrej.
So if you have 1000 + cows and 1000+ acres of land , i think you just let them graze and sleep on those lands in a proper technique and then gradually all lands will become fertile and you may not need to buy fodder from outside and also you will not need to hire labour for cow dung pickup and also there will be no waste of urine and dung
if you are interested to know further , i will send you more details
i need to clarify ,
You need to divide your land into 90 parts and cow should graze each part every 24 hour and should not come to that part for the next 90 days ,
if there is no grass on the land then give fodder and water to the cow which should be 3% of her/his weight and if you have green grass then 15% of her weight.
if proper quantities of food is given then she will dung and urinate every 2 hours.
as per my calculations ,
90th part of an acre is 500 sqft so tie a rope around and make 500 sqft and just move this fense every 24 hours.
after 90 days you will see the first 500sqft will be with lots and lots of grass
if there are 90 cows then you can have them in 1 acre and just move them from that acre every day
Cow can also Graze in hot deserts and cold deserts .
in a grassy land full of weeds , we should keep one goat with a cow and that goat will eat all the weeds while cow eats the grasses
This method also called mob grazing
You could Just use some ropes to make the partitions in the land, normally westerners use eletric rope but something non cruel can be also used
if you like to know the whole method you could attend the whole course or visit their Gaushala in belgaun which is considered as a Zero maintenance gaushala.
They also mentioned a cow should get fooder around 3% of their weight so for a 100 kg cattle , 3 kgs of dried fodder or 15kgs of green grass through grazing ( green grass has 80% water )
They mentioned dont give Grains to cows , it is only increasing the dung
They Clarified Just Green Grass is enough , nothing else is needed , nothing else.
if your cows are grazing and grazing and sleeping on the lands then 90% of your labours will not be required at all.
They mentioned if you do that then cows will produce more milk and even if calfs are allowed to be with their mother 16 hours a day still in remaining 8 hours a day , you will get enough milk for sales and they said over the period you could receive upto 15 litres per cow in just 8 hours of grazing , even with kankrej.
So if you have 1000 + cows and 1000+ acres of land , i think you just let them graze and sleep on those lands in a proper technique and then gradually all lands will become fertile and you may not need to buy fodder from outside and also you will not need to hire labour for cow dung pickup and also there will be no waste of urine and dung
if you are interested to know further , i will send you more details
i need to clarify ,
You need to divide your land into 90 parts and cow should graze each part every 24 hour and should not come to that part for the next 90 days ,
if there is no grass on the land then give fodder and water to the cow which should be 3% of her/his weight and if you have green grass then 15% of her weight.
if proper quantities of food is given then she will dung and urinate every 2 hours.
as per my calculations ,
90th part of an acre is 500 sqft so tie a rope around and make 500 sqft and just move this fense every 24 hours.
after 90 days you will see the first 500sqft will be with lots and lots of grass
if there are 90 cows then you can have them in 1 acre and just move them from that acre every day
Cow can also Graze in hot deserts and cold deserts .
in a grassy land full of weeds , we should keep one goat with a cow and that goat will eat all the weeds while cow eats the grasses
This method also called mob grazing
You could Just use some ropes to make the partitions in the land, normally westerners use eletric rope but something non cruel can be also used
Remember one thing very clearly , we are suggesting to Graze the cows but the place she will graze today ,she is not suppose to come back to the place for next 90 days thats why we give her 1 acre land so that she may not need to comeback to the earlier grazed land.
if we bring the cows back to the same part of the land where she grazed in last 90 days , then you will cause desertification since you not giving time for the soil to regenerate.
You must see this 2 videos to understand
Allan savory converts millions of acres from deserts to forest by Grazing cows
John Liu converts a 6 lakh square Kilometer desert to forest by stopping over grazing of goats for 5 years
About Milking Cows
as per shastra , we have rights only over 1/3rd milk of the cow.
but as per our experience even the 1/3rd milk was alot.
if we let the cow stay with the calf for 16 hours per day which is 2/3 duration and just tie the calf for 8 hours and let the cow graze without the calf , the milk produced in 8 hours was really really alot.
We noticed for a 20 litre milking Gir cow , calf would drink only 4 litres in whole day while 16 litres was available for the cow owner
another thing we noticed that milking yeild increased from 20 to 25 Litres in the first few months with above methods of grazing and milk was more in satva guna since cow was very happy since her calf was allowed to be with her 2/3 of the day and even whole night.
Feel Free to Get intouch with us , We Give Free Guidance over fone/email/whats app in relation to organic farming , natural house building , cow care management etc
Contact details
Gajanand Agarwal (Owner Krisit.com)
India: +91 98 67 646464 (Call/ Text Message)
USA: +1 44 33 64 64 64 (Land line Call/Voicemail)
Skype ID: gajanandagarwal
Contact details
Gajanand Agarwal (Owner Krisit.com)
India: +91 98 67 646464 (Call/ Text Message)
USA: +1 44 33 64 64 64 (Land line Call/Voicemail)
Skype ID: gajanandagarwal
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