भेजने वाला व्यक्ति: gougram gurukul <gougramgurukul@gmail.com>
तारीख: 10 जुल॰ 2018 06:58
विषय: Re: GOW-Sansad :: creating "a new set of relations between human beings, life and the Earth"
प्रति: Dr AlexHankey IAIM_AcademicDean <alexhankey@gmail.com>
Dear Sir,
Namaste !
Can we have a presentation on your proposed program of research on the 'antibacterial effects of the Gowmutra' during YAGYA Conference (15-17 July) or Govidya-workshop (19th July) or GOW-Sansad (23-24 July).
Please suggest a convenient date for your presentation.
Humble pranams,
Srinivas Rao
Thank you for this, Srinivas.Tell me how I can help.AlexP.S. I am suggesting a new program of researchon the antibacterial effects of Cow's Urine, Gau MutraOn 8 July 2018 at 00:20, gougram gurukul <gougramgurukul@gmail.com> wrote:Dear Madan Ji,Namaste !Greetings from Delhi.Thank you very much for suggesting a wonderful title to this mail-communication and your valuable inputs for the upcoming GOW-Sansad.As discussed earlier, these are TWO main objectives of this 'Sansad'...1. Formation of a Central Board to facilitate Waste-land reclaimation and development of Green-pastures &2. Promotion of Govidya-research and it's Lok-shikshan ... to connect the masses with the wisdom in our ancient texts, about which (as you have rightly indicated in your previous mail) many in India are ignorant about and also embarrassed.As you have suggested... "let us dig deeper (through these series of events: 'YAGYA Expo' in general and the 'GOW-Sansad' in specific) to legitimize all that is being proposed by connecting all these important essential developments, like Green Economy & cow-based rural reconstruction, with the depths of Indian Traditional Sciences".And for this, we need to integrate the above proposals with the 'UBA-2' of HRD Ministry - the 'AYUSH Clusters' of Ministry of AYUSH - the FPOs of Ministry of Agriculture - the 'Rurban Mission' of Ministry of Rural Development and the 'SUTRA-PIC' of Ministry of Science & Technology, to fulfil our overall objective of "creating a new set of relations between human beings, Life and the Earth".Looking forward to more inputs from all well-wishers in this regard.Humble pranams,Srinivas Rao SurabhiSecretary,GOU-Federation/Goras-Pariwar9540540945NOTE:Please visit to register online for YAGYA Expo & GOW-Sansad :(Please find attached the tentative Schedule of the Expo for your kind perusal)मंगल, 3 जुला 2018, 7:00 PM को Madan Thangavelu <madan.thangavelu3@gmail.com> ने लिखा:... creating 'a new set of relations between human beings, Life and the Earth'.Srinivas ji,Pranam!Greetings from Cambridge!Your message arrives at an opportune moment just as I am sharing the attached one-page essay by Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet (attached):
Offline: Migration—the new revolution by Richard Horton
The new politics in Europe - the reason ... anxiety!As in the Bhadvad Gita ...often times the real battles are in ones mind - instead ... "Populism, constructs the enemy as an external intruder!"Richard Horton, in his essay, refers to:Bruno Latour | The Great Regression
www.thegreatregression.eu/bruno-latour/ Bruno Latour, born 1947 in Beaune, is Professor at Sciences Po Paris and at the Centre de sociologie des organisations.Is Our World Going into Reverse?An International Debate
The world seems out of joint. Current socio-political conjuncture has brought forth a series of alarming developments thought impossible only several years prior: the spectacular rise of nationalist parties, a degradation and vulgarisation of public discourse, and growing audiences for xenophobic and racist sentiments. The speed at which we seem to be falling behind once entrenched social standards is frightening.
Against the »Nationalist International«, the book The Great Regression builds on the power of a transnational public sphere.
This recent developments in Delhi offers a new hope(further below) and here:
Kejriwal, Dalai Lama launch 'Happiness Curriculum' for Delhi schools
PTI | Jul 2, 2018, 15:29 IST
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/education/news/kejr iwal-dalai-lama-launch-happine ss-curriculum-for-delhi-school s/articleshow/64826554.cms India is sending out strong and important messages - and the world is watching India and developments in its Capital, Delhi!!Hence, in our ongoing efforts:#1- Be wary of this ongoing wave being recognized and labelled as "ethno-nationalism" & cultural purification#2:- Please let us dig deeper to legitimize all that is being proposed by connecting all these important and essential developments (Green Economy, cow-based rural reconstruction and more) with the depths of Indian Traditional Sciences - and the tattvas from the darshanas: Astika (Samkhya,Yoga, Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Mīmāṃsā,Vedānta) and Nastika (Cārvāka,Ājīvika,Buddhism, Jainism).As Richard Horton puts it ... "Bruno Latour, in The Great Regression, suggests that we must create 'a new set of relations between human beings and the Earth'.And this is what, I feel, is being played out here in your efforts and the call for "GOW Sansad"!There is much to gain by aligning with these trends and there is an opportunity here to connect the masses with the wisdom in our ancient texts - that many in India are ignorant about and also embarrassed, unintentionally , an embarrassment that is founded on ignorance.Much love,MadanDelhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Dalai Lama launch ‘Happiness Curriculum’ for Delhi govt schools
The Delhi government on Monday launched ‘Happiness Curriculum’ for its school students, with the Dalai Lama gracing the occasion and saying that India can lead the world by uniting the modern and ancient knowledge and help it overcome “negative emotions” of the mankind.
Launching the curriculum for students of nursery up to class 8, Delhi chief Minister Arvind Kejriwaltermed the occasion “historical”.
Congratulating Delhi government for its initiative to include ‘Happiness curriculum’ in its schools, the Dalai Lama said “only India has the ability to combine modern education with ancient knowledge which is necessary for fulfilment of human emotions.”
He said such a combination will pave way for physical and mental well being, solving troubles caused due to negative and destructive emotions like anger, hatred and jealousy.
The Dalai Lama called for revival of the ancient Indian knowledge in the country of its origin and its subsequent spread across the world including the countries following Buddhism.
“By reviving this ancient knowledge, India can become the modern Guru,” he said.
Addressing the gathering, Kejriwal termed the ‘Happiness curriculum’ launched today as the third stage of reforms in education sector initiated by his government after focusing on infrastructure development and motivation of teachers at the government schools.
“Education is our topmost priorities. The Centre and other state governments should give one year, focussing on education at a war footing,”he said.
The chief minister said that there was a need to “overhall” the present education system that has not been able to produce “good human being” and added that ‘Happiness Curriculum’ was a “solid step” towards this aim.
Deputy Chief Minister and incharge of Education department of Delhi government, Manish Sisodia, who conceived the curriculum, asserted that the experiment might one day spread across the country and the world as well.
He said that the curriculum will involve a ‘Happiness’ period of 45 minutes for all students studying in nursery up to class VIII at all the Delhi government schools. Each class will begin with a five minute meditation practice.
“The effect of this involving 10 lakh students and around 50,000 teachers can be imagined. It is our belief that the modern day problems like terrorism, corruption and and pollution can be solved through schools and a human centric education,” Sisodia said.
The ‘Happiness Curriculum’ including meditation, value education, and mental exercises, was designed and prepared by a team of 40 Delhi government teachers, educators and volunteers over a period of six months, he said.
The ministers of Delhi government, besides a large number of teachers and officials of Education directorate of Delhi government attended the function.
Source:HTOn Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 1:54 PM, Gougram Federation <goufederation@gmail.com > wrote:Dear Dr Pillai and all well-wishers,Namaste !Greetings from Delhi.Thanks a lot for extending your kindly support thru wide publicity to the upcoming YAGYA Expo.The success of this event is dependant on the number of Public representatives going to be involved / supporting the objectives of this programme.Herewith forwarding an attachment of our PROPOSAL, through which we are seeking the support of Public representatives of all States/UTs for the resolutions passed in the last month's GOW-Sansad at Bhopal.You are all requested to take the consent of your local leaders (both MPs and MLAs) for their participation in the upcoming GOW-Sansad in Delhi and the FEEDBACK (on their letterhead) for the Bhopal' resolutions.Looking forward to your cooperation in getting the FEEDBACK from maximum number of Public representatives from all regions.Best regards,Srinivas Rao SurabhiOn Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 10:48 AM, Kamalasanan Pillai <azollapillai@gmail.com> wrote:Dear Sreenivasji
Thank you for the maiI' I . Will make wide Publicity through my
contacts to have maximum participation
Inform me what further I would do for the success
With best wishes
Dr Pillai--Alex Hankey M.A. (Cantab.) PhD (M.I.T.)
Distinguished Professor of Yoga and Physical Science,
SVYASA, Eknath Bhavan, 19 Gavipuram Circle
Bangalore 560019, Karnataka, India
Y.A.G.Y.A. EXPO-2075
14-24 July 2018 :: New Delhi
:: THEME ::
:: Organizers ::
Goras Organizations United Federation
(Affiliated to ‘Arsha Bharati’ Lok-Kalyan Nyas)
Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts [IGNCA]
(An Autonomous Trust under Ministry of Culture, Govt of India)
Delhi Arya Pratinidhi Sabha
(An associate of Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha)
:: Co-Organizers ::
Rashtriya Godhan Mahasangh :: Gougram Sewa Sangh (RJ)
Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Delhi :: Ram Rajya Prashasan
Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti :: Sarvoday Vichar Parishad
Bharat Raksha Manch :: Gokrishyadi Rakshini Sabha
Govigyan Bharati :: Akhil Bharatiya Gosevak Samaj
Akhil Bharatiya Antyoday Sansthan :: CCBOS of India
Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal :: Cow Development Cell (WB)
Delhi Sant Mahamandal :: Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha
Maharshi Vedic University :: Internatl Kamadhenu University
:: Sponsors / Exibitors for Expo ::
Ministry of Science & Technology & other Ministries (Govt. of India)
:: Address ::
Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA)
11, Mansingh Road, New Delhi – 110001
:: RSVP ::
Dr Sudheer Lall : 9868229069
Dr Srinivas Rao : 9540540945
goufederation@gmail.com / goraspariwar@yahoo.com
Y.A.G.Y.A. Expo-2075
14 July 2018
10 am – 1 pm : Registration of Delegates
2 pm – 4 pm : Inauguration of YAGYA Conf / Expo
5 pm – 8 pm : Cultural Programme
[Venue – IGNCA Campus]
15 - 17 July 2018 (YAGYA Conference)
10 am – 12.30 pm : Technical Presentations
2.30 pm – 5 pm : Planning & Resolutions
7.30 pm – 9.30 pm : Cultural program
[Venue – IGNCA Auditorium]
18 - 22 July 2018 (Somayag Workshop)
6 am – 6.45 am : Morning Agnihotra / Sandhyopasan
6.45 am – 7.30 am : Yogasan / Pranayam / Meditation
9 am – 5.00 pm : Lecture / Discussion / Demonstration
6 pm – 9.30 pm : Evening Agnihotra/Satsang
[Venue – IGNCA Campus]
23 - 24 July 2018 (GOW-Sansad)
9 am – 11.30 am : Sansad session 1 & 3
2 pm – 4.30 pm : Sansad session 2 & 4
5 pm – 7 pm : Discussion with Parliamentarians
[Venue – IGNCA Campus]
18 - 24 July 2018 (YAGYA Expo)
6 am – 9 pm : Exhibition cum demonstration
Stalls of various Departments of Govt of India & Others
(Venue – IGNCA Janpath Lawn, Gate no.1)
Er Subodh Kumar (GOU-Federation)
Shri Vinay Arya (Delhi Arya Pratinidhi Sabha)
Shri Subhash Jindal (Akhil Bharat Gosevak Samaj)
Dr Sachchidanand Joshi (Member Secretary, IGNCA)
Shri Krishna Kumar Singhania (Sarvodaya Vichar Parishad)
GOU-Federation, in association with IGNCA and multiple Government / Non-Government organizations, is organizing first YAGYA Expo-2075 during 14-24 July 2018 in Delhi. The main objective of the Expo is to showcase the traditional aspects of applied Vedic arts & sciences of Yog, Ayurved, Govidya, Yag (Yajna) etc. with a prime focus on their potential applications in present day’s Agriculture, Health, Education, Culture, Environment protection (reversal of Climate Change), Livelihood generation and Community bonding. Also the role of YAGYA in achieving the global goals for sustainable development (No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Clean Water and Sanitation, Good Health and Well-being, Reduced Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action, Quality Education etc) will be discussed to prepare an action-plan for its implementation and to achieve Global Peace.
GOU-Federation (affiliated to Arsha Bharati Nyas) is an apex body of multiple nation building organizations working towards the conservation, improvement and propagation of all traditional elements of rural life in Indian Sub-continent. The federation started its activities from Gujarat in March 2013 and is presently working on various dimensions of indigenous Cow-centric sustainable rural development in the states of Telangana, AP, Karnataka, Maharashtra, MP, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, UP & Delhi.
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) was set up by the Ministry of Culture, GoI in 1987 to explore, study and disseminate Indian arts, revive the dialogue between India and her neighbours, especially in South and Southeast Asia, in the areas pertaining to the arts. Arts encompasses a wide area of studies, such as creative literature-written and oral; visual arts- architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics and general material culture; photography and films; the performing arts- music, dance and theatre; festival with artistic dimension.
Delhi Arya Pratinidhi Sabha is an apex body of many Arya Samaj Institutions in Delhi.
As an effort to spread the message of human welfare originating in Vedas and to promote the principles of universal brotherhood, and to make the whole world NOBLE – ‘krinvanto vishvamaryam’, Delhi Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, in association with International Aryan League, took the initiative of bringing together Aryans of the entire world. Accordingly International Arya Mahasammelans were organized in NewDelhi(2006), Chicago(2007), Mauritius(2008), Surinam(2009), Holland(2010), NewDelhi(2012), Durban(2013), Singapore & Bangkok(2014), Australia(2015), Nepal(2016) and Myanmar(2017).
YAGYA-Expo Outline (Tentative)
Registration - 10 am – 1 pm (14 July 2018)
Inauguration - 2 pm – 4 pm (14 July 2018)
YAGYA Conference - 10 am – 5 pm (15-17 July 2018
Somayag Workshop - 6 am – 7 pm (18-23 July 2018)
GOW Sansad-2 - 9 am – 7 pm (23-24 July 2018)
YAGYA Expo-2075 - 6 am – 9 pm (18-24 July 2018)
Pujyapad Shri Adrishya Kadsiddheshwar Swami Ji (Kaneri Mutt)
Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Swami Hansdevacharya Ji (Shri Jagannath Dham)
Swami Raghavanand Ji (Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha)
Mahant Shri Surendranath Avadhoot Ji (Kalka Peeth)
Dandi Sw Jitendranand Saraswati Ji (Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti)
M.M. Swami Anubhutanand Giri (Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti)
Shri Ramanuja Vratdhari Jeeyar Swami Ji (AB Hindu Mahasabha)
Swami Naval Kishore Das Ji (Delhi Sant Mahamandali)
Sadhvi Nirmala Yogbharati mata Ji (TSGOU-Federaration)
Smt Krishna Raj Ji (Hon’ble MoS, MoAFF)
Shri Shripad Yesso Naik Ji (Hon’ble MoS, AYUSH)
Shri Parshottam Rupala Ji (Hon’ble MoS, MoAFF)
Mananiya Shri Hridayanath Singh Ji (Kisan Morcha)
Mananiya Shri Mukul Kanitkar Ji (Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal)
Prof Madan Mohan Bajaj (International Kamadhenu Univ.)
Swami Akhileshwaranand Giri Ji (MP Gosamvardhan Board)
Shri Bhaniram Mangla Ji (Haryana Goseva Ayog)
Shri Rajeev Gupta Ji IAS-retd (UP Goseva Ayog)
REGISTRATION & Further details :
Shri Hitarth Patel : 8800661334 / 8447313016
Shri Bhaskar Singh : 9811529379
Shri Harpal Singh : 9891241290
Shri Rahul Sharma : 9910173907
Shri Ashish Bharadwaj : 9971751976
Shri Sravan Kumar Chauhan : 9811994398
ONLINE Registration : http://goraspariwar.in
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